I think I finally understood the wave-particle duality

Oops, sorry, I removed this article.

A few weeks ago I published here a fairly long text in which I presented a retrocausal interpretation of the universe. I explained the reasoning that had led me to it and reasoned briefly about the consequences of it from a philosophical point of view.

I mentioned the article in an Internet forum and the critical reaction of some physicist convinced me to withdraw it. Apparently I, a “layman” (yes: some physicists use that word to refer to those of us who are not physicists), was spreading a rehash of all the misconceptions of “pop science”. Worse: I was pretending to “teach” from my ignorance.

In my defense, I can argue that at the beginning of the article I made it very clear that I am not a physicist and that what I exposed was my opinion.

I still think that the retrocausal interpretation is the most accurate because it recovers the locality while explaining the spooky action from a distance. It just fits, it makes sense.

Time will tell. Sorry for the inconvenience.